Preschool Education

Current research:


  1. Teacher-child interactions
  2. Quality of early childhood education environments
  3. Professional development of early educators
  4. Learning environments (home and school)
Current research:
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Current research:
  • STEM concept formation in the early years
  • science learning and development in dialectical interrelation with the child’s social and cultural reality
  • science teaching and learning as part of the everyday educational reality in preschool settings
  • play, imagination, and creativity as means for teaching and learning science/STEM in preschool settings
  • children’s drawings as a means for teaching and learning science in preschool settings
  • scientific literacy in the early years
  • Cultural-historical theory and methodology
Current research:

<p>Arts in education; art & technology; art technologies in education; Visual arts; audiovisual arts</p>

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