academic profile

  • Ρόθου Κυριακή [Kyriakoula Rothou]'s picture
    Faculty Member

    Ρόθου Κυριακή [Kyriakoula Rothou]

    Status: Assistant Professor
    Area of Specialization: Ειδική Αγωγή - Μαθησιακές Δυσκολίς
    Phone: 2310991269
Current research

Kyriakoula Rothou currently works at the School of Early Childhood Education, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Kyriakoula does research in Special Education, reading development and reading disorders, in relationship between morphological and syntactic awareness and reading



University of Thessaly, Greece

  • February 2006 - January 2012
  • Phd

Field of study: morphological and syntactic awareness skills as predictors of reading disabilities in elementary school children

University College of London

  • September 2002 - August 2003
  • Master of Science (MSc) in Child Development

Field of study: psychology and reading

National and Kapodistrian University o Athens

  • September 1994 - April 2000
  • Bachelor of Education Degree (BEd)

Field of study: preschool education

Recent publications

Rescent Publications

Rothou, K.M., Antoniou, A-S, & Polychroni, F. (2023), Morphosyntactic skills of school-aged monolingual Greek children and bilingual children with poor reading comprehension In S.G.Soulis, M. Liakopoulou  A. Galani (eds.) Challenges & Concerns in 21th Century Education (pp.179-191). London: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Georgiou, G.K., Alves Vieira, A.P., Rothou, Kirby,J.,Antoniuk,A., Martinez, D. & Guo, K. (2023) A Meta-analysis of Morphological Awareness Deficits in Developmental Dyslexia, Scientific Studies of Reading, 27(3), 253-271, DOI: 10.1080/10888438.2022.2155524

Rothou, K.M. (2021) Exploring Inflectional Morphological Awareness Skills in Greek-speaking Children with Poor Reading Comprehension, International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 68(2), 191-205, DOI: 10.1080/1034912X.2019.1675869

Rothou, K.M., Padeliadu, S. (2019). Morphological processing influences on dyslexia in Greek-speaking children. Ann. of Dyslexia 69, 261–278.

Rothou, K.M., &  Tsimpli, I (2020) Biliteracy and reading ability in children who learn Greek as a second language, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 23(8), 1036-1050, DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2017.1386614

Rothou, K., & Padeliadu, S. (2015). Inflectional morphological awareness and word reading and reading comprehension in Greek. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(4), 1007-1027. doi:10.1017/S0142716414000022



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