Postgraduate Studies Programme ‘Education Sciences - Courses

1. Education Policy

Research Methodology in Education – Statistics. 
Curriculum Theory.
Education Policy Issues

Intercultural Education Programmes. 
Organisation and Management in Education.
Educational Evaluation or Organisational Issues of the Teaching Practice.

Lifelong Learning - Policies and Programmes.
Gender and Education Policy or Pedagogical Issues of Special Education.
The Education Reforms in the Context of the Greek Education Policy.




2.  Cultural Studies and Childrens Learning Environments

History/Sociology of Childhood.
Child and Play, Past and Present..
The Anthropocentric Quality of Built Space

Sociological/Literary Approach: the Child within the Natural and Urban Environment.
Publications for Children and Ideological/Cultural Policy.
Book Image/Screen Image for Children.

Theatre for Children: Historical and Ideological Components.  Educational/Interpretive Approaches of Material Culture.

Seminar: Meetings with Creators/Artists.






3. Aesthetic Education: Theory and Actions

The Process of Civilisation: Theories and Forms
Dance and Movement Pedagogy
Image as a Form of Discourse and the Child as the Recipient

Research Methodology
Creative Music Pedagogy
Theatre Pedagogy Research, Play and Activities 

Art and Child
Culture and Modern Technology
Trends in Aesthetic Education





4. Creative Writing in Literature and Education

Modern Greek Literature (History-Theory)
Creative Writing and Teaching of Literature
Poetry and Versification, (lab)

Prose: Short Form Narratives (lab)
Children’s Short Form Narratives and Practicum
Theory of Literature

Prose: Long Form Narratives (lab)
Illustrated Book
Literature, Bibliology and New Technologies





5. Mathematics, Physical Sciences and ICT: Teaching and Learning

Research Methodology
Seminars - Critical Overview and Interdisciplinary Approach
Applied Pedagogy in the Process of Learning Scientific Concepts

Teaching and Learning Mathematical Concepts
Specific Issues of Teaching and Learning Physical Science Concepts
ICT and Communication Media


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