Registrar’s Office

The School’s Secretariat is responsible for undergraduate and postgraduate student matters related to:

  • Undergraduate and postgraduate student registrations/suspensions of studies/student re-registrations/transfers/registrations after graduate admission examinations/ERASMUS registrations.
  • Keeping personal files for undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  • Implementing the programme of studies regarding course registration, grades, lists of graduates, graduation ceremonies, doctoral degree conferments, entering and binding coursebooks and courses within the “Eudoxus” electronic system of coursebook registration, which is organised by the Ministry of Education, reviewing and authorising the provision of student identity and fare reduction cards, etc.
  • Issuing certificates and qualifications, studies certificates, detailed transcripts, certificates of student performance for housing grants, copies of diplomas and diploma membranes, etc.
  • Stipendia, student loans and grants, provision of healthcare booklets.
  • Providing information on AUTH programmes and activities.
  • Updating announcement board in print and in electronic form.


The Secretariat is located on the 2nd floor of the Education Faculty Tower.

Administration Staff members position tasks
NOPI TAMISOGLOU (2nd floor) Undergraduate studies, further enquiries 
tel. +30 2310995090 (int. 2) 
GEORGIOS KATCHIOTIS (4th floor) Postgraduate and PHD studies, Erasmus
tel. +30 2310995090 (int. 1.1) 
XENIA KASIMTZIKI (2nd floor) Student care services 
tel. +30 2310995090 (int. 3) 
MARIETA ALMALOGLOU (2th floor) Administrative services, verifications of issued certificates
tel. +30 2310995090 (int. 4) 
ELENI NALBANTI (2nd floor) Head of the Secretariat
tel +30 2310995090 (int. 5) 

(fax numbers in public sector have been removed since 01.01.2021 according to article 99 of Law 4727/2020 - OGG A 184)


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