Sciences and their meanings

Current research: 

  • STEM concept formation in the early years
  • science learning and development in dialectical interrelation with the child’s social and cultural reality
  • science teaching and learning as part of the everyday educational reality in preschool settings
  • play, imagination, and creativity as means for teaching and learning science/STEM in preschool settings
  • children’s drawings as a means for teaching and learning science in preschool settings
  • scientific literacy in the early years
  • Cultural-historical theory and methodology

Current research: 

  • Children's conceptions in science
  • Development of childrden's knowledge about the natural world
  • Design, implementation and evaluation of science teaching material and activities
  • Public Understanding of Science
  • Development of scientific thinking competencies
  • Public images of science and scientists

Current research: 

Science, science education, environment and environmental education, teaching materials about science and environmental education, teachers’ and students’ conceptions of scientific and environmental concepts and phenomena, investigating landscape as a critical tool in education for the environment and sustainability, environmental education as a vehicle for promoting the inclusion of children with special needs, environmental quality and societal injustices, ecological footprint as a tool in environemntal education.

Current research: 

Melpomeni Tsitouridou is professor of ICT in Education and dean of the Faculty of Education of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Her research examines learning technologies; digital literacies; machine mediated interaction; the integration of ICT in educational process; uses and practices of ICT; young people and communication technologies; digital technology in children’s everyday life; social media in higher education. 

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